A.I. Smell

An AI that can identify smells has the potential to be necessary for a variety of applications. One potential use for such an AI is in medicine, where it could diagnose diseases by analyzing the smells of a patient’s breath or other bodily fluids. For example, certain types of cancer are known to produce distinctive smells, and an AI that can identify these smells could potentially detect cancer in a patient.

Another potential use for an AI that can identify smells is in the food and beverage industry. Such an AI could be used to analyze the smells of various foods and drinks to assess their quality and freshness. This could be useful for ensuring that products are safe and fit for consumption and for detecting any defects or contamination.

Overall, an AI that can identify smells has the potential to be an important tool for a variety of applications, and it will likely become increasingly helpful as AI technology continues to advance.

Our nose is able to learn and recognize smells, so there’s no reason A.I. cannot do the same thing.

Intel has developed an A.I. “neuromorphic” chip that mirrors the organic circuits found in the olfactory bulbs of a dog’s brain, allowing the chip to identify specific odors, which it then remembers. Tech firm Koniku has developed a similar device, which is being tested by Airbus as a replacement for bomb-sniffing dogs. Australian researchers developed an A.I.-powered “e-nose,” which can assess beer quality based on its aroma—a capability that could be used to assess other foods and beverages at all stages of production.